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The Reiki Therapist

Brett Hand

Brett has been an avid martial artist since the early 1990s. One of the things that always resonated with him about the martial arts, was the healing and energy aspects of the different Asian systems.
In mid 2014, Brett experienced Reiki and his life was changed. He felt such a profound connection with what God had planned for him through a very vivid vision, during his first Reiki session. This paved the way to more Reiki sessions with Kimberli Khepri, a specialist in Shamanism, among other things.
As a result, Brett went on to seek training in Reiki.
Brett was trained and certified in Usui/Tibetan Reiki Level I and Level II by Reiki Master Cathie English and Reiki Master Christine Denari on August 21st, 2014.
This was only the beginning.
After practicing self Reiki daily and healing his family of various injuries, Brett was compelled to take his passion for Reiki to the next level.
Brett was presented with the opportunity to train and receive his Master/Teacher Level III Certification in Usui Reiki from Reiki Master/Teacher, Margaret Sanders on March 1st, 2015.

Brett is an Ordained Minister of Universal Life Church and an Affiliate Member of The International Center for Reiki Training, Reiki Membership Association.

The story continues. Brett is constantly seeking information to enhance his skill as a healer.
Reiki has become a daily passion for Brett and his family.